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Discovery School to celebrate 30 years of extraordinary!

August 25, 2023

2023 marks the 30th anniversary of Discovery School's foundation. Back in 1993, we were established with a mission to “prepare students for the challenges of life by instilling in them academic excellence, self-esteem, critical thinking, and cultural diversity..” Since then we have been proud to empower 22 generations of students from over 20 countries to be leaders, to change the world, and to be a better human being each and every day.

What started with a handful of students in Colonia Lara, Tegucigalpa has turned into a state-of-the-art school with approximately 250 students, 70 staff, and over 300 graduates. It has been an amazing journey!

In 30 years, Discovery has embraced students from all cultures, nationalities, and religions creating a welcoming environment for everyone. We continue to strive to bring the best learning experiences for our students, placing them first with cutting-edge technology, a high-standard curriculum, and strong after-school programs.

The anniversary celebration kicked off with an “Anniversary Spirit Week” that included door decorating contests, blue days, wolf–costume fashion shows, and wolfpack scavenger hunts. On August 25th, the celebration started with a fun morning for the students with bouncy castles, water games, photo booth, yummy snacks, and a special dance show that featured superheroes and astronaut characters. During the evening, the celebrations continued for the parents, alumni, and staff in the very first Discovery School’s Anniversary Celebration Gala, a perfect opportunity to build stronger bonds among the community.

We are thankful to every person, whose support and partnership over the years, has enabled us to serve many wonderful children and their families.

As we reflect on the last 30 years, we celebrate our achievements but we also look to the future to ensure that we continue to evolve and grow each day. We will do so by remaining true to our values, our unique educational philosophy, and our commitment to continue with excellence in everything we do.

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