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A Fantastic International Day at Discovery School!

Discovery School celebrates its traditional International Day with cultural stands around the school. We celebrate the cultural diversity! 45% of our students come from around 20 countries around the world. The DPTO (Discovery Parent Teacher Organization) is in charge of organizing and bringing this celebration to life. Students go around each stand that could have a cultural theme, food, or a traditional game. During this happy celebration, we had the honor of receiving the Costarican Ambassador, Mrs. Deyanira Ramírez. We also had the privilege of having Mrs. Fátima Espinal, the United Nations representative for FAO in Honduras.

For the closing ceremony, the students enjoyed traditional outfit parade, the performances of Emma with a Peruvian song and Casey dancing to a medley of US songs. At the very end, Wolfie joined the celebration with a Samba performance. Here are some pictures of this amazing day:

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